Family members in French

 Family members in French: lessons and exercises

Talking about family members is a common topic of conversation in French, especially when you get to know more about someone. Here is a selection of the essential terms to know about la Famille and a selection of exercises for practice or to use in the classroom for teachers.

Essential vocabulary about family in French

The essential family members to know are ;

  • Le père: father
  • la mère: mother
  •  le frère: brother
  • la sœur: sister
  • Le bébé
  • Les enfants: children
  • Les parents: parents
  • Les grands-parents: grandparents
  • le grand-père: grandfather
  • la grand-mère: grandmother
  • Les petits enfants: grandchildren
  • le petit-fils: grandson
  • la petite-fille: granddaughter
  • L'oncle: uncle
  • la tante: aunty
  • le cousin, la cousine, les cousins: cousin, cousins
Below is a Video from You Learn French channel on YouTube that can help with the pronunciation.

Lessons about the family in French (la famille)

Lesson 1 (Audio with images) - La famille de Thierrry -Edu Xunta
Lesson 2 . Family members in French - Learn French With Chanty
Lesson 3: Vocabulary list with audio - Audio French

Exercises for practising the family terms

Directory of exercises -The family - LiveWorksheets
Reading comprehension - La famille de Lucas (True or false) -  Liveworksheet
Reading Comprehension 2 - Family and marital status - Didier FLE - Edito 
Identify the family member - Family photo -Educaplay -Julien FIAF Montclair
Who is this (Qui est-ce?)
Listen and Match - Language Learning Apps
Oral comprehension - Histoire de famille - La classe de Fabienne 
Family tree - Fill in the blanks - Language Learning Apps
Match the image and the text - La famille de Bart - WordWall - Abialekmarek
Fill in the blanks - French Online Grammar Quiz (FOG)
CrossWords - ClicMaClasse
CrossWords 2 - Ver Taal
CrossWords3 - Learning Apps

Songs to learn the family vocabulary

La famille - Alain le Lait
Song for kids 1 - Finger family - Mike et Mia
Song for kids 2 - The Turtle Family - Comptines et Chansons
Song for kids 3 -Introducing the family