The days of the week in French - Lessons and exercises

The days of the week in French - Lessons and exercises 

What are the 7 days of the week in French?

  • lundi: Monday
  • mardi: Tuesday
  • mercredi: Wednesday
  • jeudi : Thursday
  • vendredi : Friday
  • samedi: Saturday
  • dimanche: Sunday

Related vocabulary to the weekdays in French

  • un jour: a day
  • une semaine: a weekLes 
  • les jours de la semaine: Week days
  • un week-end: a weekend
  • hier: yesterday
  • aujourd'hui: toda
  • demain: tomorrow
  • avant-hier: the day before yesterday
  • Après demain: the day after tomorrow
  • Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd'hui? What day are we today?

Lessons on "the days of the week"

How to say the days of the week? Learn French With Chanty
Days of the week - Les jours de la semaine - To Learn French
Days of the week - Les jours de la semaine- France Podcasts

French days of the week - Exercises

Find the order - Wordwall - Cambellotti
Find the order 2 - Learning Apps
Crossed words - Ver Taal
Crossed words 2 - Clic Ma Classe
Fill in the blanks - A vos plumes
Fill in the blanks 3 - Comptine des jours de la semaine -Train French
Listen and order - Learning Apps
Downloadable worksheets - French language learning

Days of the week - French songs 

The week of the ducks (La semaine des canards) - Chantons des chansons
Monday morning (Lundi matin) - Mister Toony - 
Monday morning 2 (Lundi matin) - Monde des Titounis
Jours de la semaine - Pierre Lozère