Animals in French - Lessons and exercises

Animals in French - list of lessons and exercises

Animals can be divided into several categories: farm animals, pets, wild animals, sea animals, and insects, ...

Farm animals are called les animaux de la ferme. Some common animals names are: 

  • la vache: cow
  • la chèvre: 
  • le mouton
  • le canard
  • le cheval
  • le cochon
Pets are called les animaux domestiques ou les animaux de compagnie. Among them, we can list :
  • le chien
  • le chat
  • le hamster
  • le lapin
  • le poisson rouge
  • le perroquet
Wild animals are called les animaux sauvages. We can list some of them below

le lion
le tigre
le zèbre
la girafe

Below are selected lessons that will help you learn more about animals' names, their babies, and animals according to their gender.


Animals names - Les animaux en français - Video lesson - You Learn French
Names of baby animals - A French Start
Animals names -by gender and baby animals - French Kwiziq
Insects names in French - Regard sur le français

Lessons with exercises

Learn the words and play the game (game, flashcards, spelling Quiz) - Digital Dialects

Animal names in French - Learn French With Chanty


Drag the words on top of the animals - Live Worksheet - Madame C
Match the image and the insect name - Live Worksheets - Nathalie Banks
Forest animals - Learning Apps
Listen and Match the images and sentences - Study French
Animal Bingo game - Languages Akelius
Animal Memory game - 50 Languages