The body parts in French: lessons and exercises

The body parts in French are key basic vocabulary that is good to be known. It helps talk about your health when you go to the doctor and when describing people. Here is a selection of interesting lessons and exercises.

1. Video -Les parties du corps 

Les parties  du corps en français - Learn to French

Lessons on the body parts (le corps humain)

List of the body parts - French Kwiziq - Level A1-A2

Body parts 1 - Feminine and masculine word -Lingasorb

Vocabulary/the parts of the body - TV5 Monde (+exercise) - Level A1


Exercise 1 -Match the images and the words - Liveworksheets -Beatriz -Ideal for kids

Exercise 2 - Unjumble the body parts - To Learn French -Bridg

Exercise 3 - Ecris les parties du corps -Live Worksheet

Exercise 4 - Quiz what is your + head /lips /mouth ... in French? - Quizziz

Exercice 5 : Body parts worksheets + answers - Word search - Puzzles -Tree Valley Academy

Exercise 6Body Parts Minecraft French - Wordwall - OLeStacey

Exercise 7 - Match the words with the image - Wordwall - MrsMce

The body parts songs for kids

These songs are great for teachers who want songs for their classes. It is also perfect for your kids to watch at home so that they can quickly pick up the vocabulary.

Des os il en faut - Alain le lait - Tilela

Jean petit qui danse - Arnaud Mathonet

Lave tes mains - HeyKids (Watch the video from 1s to 1m54s)

Touchez! touchez! - Euroclub Schools

Tête épaules genoux et pieds - Learn French through music

Resources For teachers

Fiche pégogique -Lesson plan - Beata Dankowska

Attachached exercise - Annexe fiche pédagogiqueBeata Dankowska

Loto game (Le loto des parties du corps) - Languages online

Memory gameEmilie Romanens - RES - Friportail

Guess the body part -Devinettes - Ressources FLE

Jeu FLE - Le corps humain - FLIPPIZZ

Jeu du Visage - Face game J'ai +partie du corps +Qui a?  - Card game Ekladata